
I took some pictures before moving into my new apartment. I’m finally able to upload them. I’m really liking the apartment so far. I’m still settling into my new pattern of living.

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I thought it time to document up my Star Wars Movie Prop Replicas. All are in excellent shape though the plexiglass cases, for a few, have some cracks. Where possible, I got the versions with signatures. All but one are from a company called Master Replicas while it had a license. Many also include a “certificate of Authenticity” as well:

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I visited Arlington for the first time since my Grandfather’s burial back in the early 90’s. Not a lot has changed. The people working there were incredibly nice and helpful despite all the people and the extreme heat. One thing to call out is that they have a gravesite shuttle. You go to where the tour vehicles are inside and ask about the shuttle. They’ll get you close to the grave (you need to know the section, the exact grave number also helps). Then, when you are ready, there is a number to call and they will come get you. A nice gentleman working there explained it all when he saw me resting in the shade. Pictures are below:

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I got some final pics of the Condo before leaving. It goes on sale soon. The moving crew and cleaning crew did incredible jobs. It is amazing to watch professionals do their jobs after struggling for days to do a job only 1/3 as good that they can accomplish in just a few hours.

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I visited Culpeper National Cemetery this weekend. As usual, it looked awesome. The team there always does a good job maintaining the site but usually find a way to put in some extra effort for Memorial Weekend. Photos are on the next page.

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New Condo

Below are some pictures of the new condo right after closing so there is nothing much to see.  furnishing, etc is coming along well and I am happy with the move.  These pics are mostly a reference for when I upload pics of the end results.

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This floor has a nice combo living/dining room with the foyer and powder room.  I used the ‘shelf’ above the powder room to display collectables.  The back half of the house has the kitchen, family room and breakfast nook and a sliding glass door just waiting for a deck.

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